Calvin Li About Projects

Clearly, this is a unfinished "self"-drawing (need to add shadow and fix both arms). Also, my hair is black; I never dye my hair. (As a Chinese guy, I can / shall / should / must NOT dye my hair to green color ._.)

Okay, so you did find me here.

Hello world. I am...

Calvin Vert Li

Or you might know me by my Chinese name. But to be honest, it is impolite to call a HongKonger by their Chinese name unless they allow you to. Thus, I am not going to tell you my Chinese name. (If you are curious, go find it out; it is somewhere on my website.)

I just finished my last undergraduate academic term (Winter 2021) at University of Waterloo and my majors are Computational Mathematics and Statistics. I also have Computing minor in my academics program.

Some of my interests relate to my majors are computer graphics, web development, game development, etc. I am also interested on arts and design. For example, drawing, animation, printmaking, architectural design, furniture design, product design, interior design, advertisement design, package design, illustration design, etc.

Here is a table of my skillset...

Computer Languages Technologies Design Software
▸ Bash ▸ Excel ▸ Adobe Illustrator
▸ C ▸ Git ▸ Adobe InDesign
▸ C++ ▸ Linux ▸ Adobe Photoshop
▸ HTML with CSS ▸ Printmaking ▸ Adobe XD
▸ JavaScript ▸ Vex Robotics ▸ CorelDRAW
▸ Java ▸ Woodworking ▸ GIMP
▸ MATLAB ▸ Google SketchUp
▸ MIPS ▸ Ulead PhotoImpact
▸ Pascal
▸ Python
▸ R
▸ Racket

Work Experience

The Education University of Hong Kong - Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)


IT Intern (Programming)

Sep. - Dec. 2019

I worked in the Student Administration (SA) team.

My job was to transitioned the school system's data forms for over 13 500 users by using Java, XML, and PL/SQL. Thus, school members can access and modify data with the new system when it is ready to publish.

During work, I needed to use Eclipse for programming and Apache Tomcat to run the server.
In addition, I need to use Apache Maven to manage and modify the new school system data form structure. (But I didn't know I was using Apache Maven in that time...)

Also, I helped writing technical documentation for the new system for future developers since in that time, we didn't have any useful documentation to teach us how to modify the new school system.